Puentes Programme
World Vision/USAID partners with: Asociación Grupo Ceiba, Asociación Kemow Etamanik Bilingüe Intercultural (AKEBI), Fundación para el Desarrollo Integral (FUDI), FundaSistemas, Juáres y Asociados, Mundo Posible, Red Nacional de Grupos Gestores, Universidad Galileo and Vitruvian Consulting.
The purpose of Proyecto Puentes is to help young people between 15 and 24 years of age in the western highlands of Guatemala to take control of their future through information, knowledge, and the development of skills and competencies that will enable them to access opportunities that will improve their income.
It will also provide support to design and achieve their life plan, this can be oriented to: Education, Employment or Entrepreneurship. 15 municipalities in 5 departments: Quiché (Santa Cruz del Quiché, Chichicastenango, Joyabaj). Huehuetenango (Huehuetenango, Chiantla, Aguacatán). San Marcos (San Pedro Sacatepéquez, San Rafael Pie de la Cuesta, El Tumbador, Malacatán). Quetzaltenango (Quetzaltenango, Cantel, Coatepeque). Totonicapán (Totonicapán, Momostenango).