UNAH Legal Office
Offers services in:
In-person and virtual legal advice on the CJG/FCJ/UNAH website: In-person and virtual legal advice to the citizen for the first time in all areas of law.
Legal Assistance in all areas of law: Subsequent face-to-face visits of the citizen to follow up on their case either in administrative or judicial proceedings.
On-site and virtual conciliation: Alternative method of conflict resolution that uses a neutral third party to resolve disputes.
On-site and virtual Adult Psychological Assistance: Individual therapy.
Face-to-face Support Group: Therapeutic group with women survivors of violence.
Face-to-face Self-Help Group: Open group for the discussion of various topics of interest to the group.
Face-to-face Occupational Therapy Group: Learning about entrepreneurship, handicrafts, food and similar topics.
Psychological Assistance for Children and Adolescents: Evaluation and psychological follow-up of the child of the citizen who requires legal services or simply requires psychological support.
Socioeconomic Studies: Evaluation and social monitoring of the family requesting the service or required in cases that are addressed in judicial or administrative proceedings. Requirements to access the on-site service: Carrying an ID card.