Honduran Red Cross - Centro de Atención al Migrante Retornado Omoa CAMR

- Orientation and Information - Biometric Registration (Coordinated with the National Institute of Migration) - Capture of training needs (Coordinated with the National Institute of Vocational Training) - Filling out of the Integral Migrant Form (Coordinated with the OPV) - Primary Physical Health Care - Primary Care in Mental Health - Referral to the national referral system Response - Feeding - Transportation from Omoa to San Pedro Sula - Transportation from San Pedro Sula to La Ceiba, Tegucigalpa and Santa Rosa de Copán - Connectivity Services (Phone calls, internet connection and battery charging) - Search Request (SB) - Red Cross Messages (MCR) - Case referral - Hygiene kits - Biosecurity Kits - Identification of Returned Migrants with Protection Needs - Temporary Shelter - Water Distribution - Vaccination against COVID-19 - GIFTCARD (Special Cases) - Clothing - Prophylaxis treatment after exposure to SV - Liaison with the Secretary of Education and the Secretary of Labor (Creando mi Futuro Program).
Horas de funcionamiento
24 horas.
Aldea Milla 4 Omoa, Cortes, Km 20 Carretera CA-13 a Corinto, Calle, Omoa, Honduras.

15.73785743, -88.07977326