When victims of human trafficking are minors, the National Child Welfare Agency, Patronato Nacional de la Infancia (PANI) will be the entity in charge of providing assistance, rights' protection and the required aid.

In the case of adult female victims, the National Women's Institute, Instituto Nacional de las Mujeres (INAMU) will be responsible for assistance.

For elderly people, coordination with the National Council for the Elderly, Consejo Nacional de la Persona Adulta Mayor (CONAPAM) is required.

If the victims are people with disabilities over the age of eighteen and under the age of sixty-five, the National Council for Rehabilitation and Special Education will coordinate with other State institutions to provide them with the aid and assistance they require with their protection program. 

In addition, in the "Emergency" section of the MigApp you will find hotlines against human trafficking and human smuggling, where you can contact to report these type of situations. On the other hand, in the "Offices and Assistance" section of the MigApp, you can search for offices against human trafficking, closest to your location.

Country of Interest