14.611087, -90.516717
The application for a work permit is granted by the Ministry of Labor and Social Security through the General Directorate of Employment of Guatemala. Companies have a hiring limit of up to 10% of foreigners, when there are only 5 workers or less, 1 foreign worker is allowed.
Exceptions to this limit are managers, directors, administrators, superintendents, and general managers of the company as long as the total of these does not exceed two in each of them. The employer must submit a request by writing to the General Directorate of Employment (DGE).
A work permit may be requested under the following situations established by the DGE:
- Foreigners working for a specific company. This is the general form for all migratory categories: http://bit.ly/empresadeterminadagt
- Foreigners married or legally united de facto with a Guatemalan, or who have parental custody of Guatemalan children.
They belong to a category for special cases and may be hired by any employer. People who have been declared as refugees by the United Nations High Commissioner (UNHCR) also belong to this group. The form and requirements can be found at: http://bit.ly/permisotrporparesntescogt/
Temporary Residence:
- Migrant workers: Foreign people who have been authorized to remain in the country to perform any remunerated activity, under the dependence and direction of an employer. Migrant workers may apply for temporary residence for a period of one to five years.
- Students: Foreign people authorized to reside in the country for studies at any educational level. They will be authorized the status of temporary student residence for the period corresponding to the educational cycle or the duration of the corresponding university courses as regulated by this Code.
- Athletes and artists: Foreign people hired by legal entities or individuals who provide their specialized services as athletes or artists, will be authorized temporary residence status according to the duration of the specific contract or for a maximum period of five years, observing the provisions of the applicable national legislation in force.
- Investors: Foreign people making investments in the country will be authorized for a term not to exceed five years.
- Academics, researchers and scientists: Persons engaged in scientific, research and academic activities who are hired by entities for work related to their knowledge will be authorized temporary residence status for a period not exceeding five years.
- Ministers of worship or religion: Foreign ministers of worship or religion with membership in a religious entity officially recognized by the State will be authorized temporary resident status for a period not to exceed five years.
General Directorate of Employment Ministries of Labor and Social Security
Business Tower building, 7A Avenue 3-33, Guatemala