Crises or emergencies can occur at any time and can significantly affect everyone, but especially people in a foreign country. Therefore, prevention is key to reducing their impact.  

These recommendations will help you prepare for a crisis or emergency in your country of origin or transit: 



A. Research the main disasters that may occur in your locality or where you are heading. For example, find out if floods or hurricanes are common.   

B. Request information on emergency protection and assistance from the Red Cross, local emergency committees, or similar organizations.

C. Find out from local and official media in the country of transit or destination about situations that may pose a threat and learn about the potential risks where you are.  

D. Pay attention to the recommendations of local civil protection authorities.  



A. Keep digital and physical copies of all your identity documents and keep the originals safe. 

B. Participate in drills and local risk management exercises. 

C. Identify safe evacuation routes, as well as places set up as shelters or temporary housing. 

D. If you are in a foreign country, register with your embassy or consulate and update your information on an ongoing basis.  

E.  Keep in touch with your family and friends abroad and let them know that you are well. 


Find emergency contacts in the country where you are located: