You have rights
You have rights, regardless of your migratory status.
You have rights, regardless of your migratory status.
If you fled your country due to violence and you don't know what to do, you are not alone. El Jaguar has important information for you. Look for it at:
The protection of children and adolescents should be a priority for the authorities, regardless of the migratory status they possess.
Men and women are human traffickers. It is generally believed that only men are traffickers, but it has been proven that a lot of women actively participate in trafficking networks.
Migration will not automatically solve all your problems. Migration also involves risks as well as economic, family, personal, and even emotional sacrifices.
Migrant smuggling is a crime which undermines the sovereignty of a country because it seeks to illegally move people across borders. It is also the riskiest way to migrate.
Human trafficking is a crime in which somebody deceives, threatens or forces another person in order to exploit them. If you find yourself in this type of situation, you can ask for help. In the “Country Information” section, you will find numbers you can call according to the country you are in.
Every migrant must carry, keep and show, at the request of any competent authority, the documentation which proves their identity. Find out more about the information you need during your stay on the "Entry Requirements" and "Protection and assistance" sections.
While traveling, you may risk falling into the hands of gangs. In the “Protection and Assistance” section you can find out more about organizations and institutions from which you can ask for help.
In case you decide to request protection as a refugee in Mexico, be aware that the authorities have the obligation to receive your request and notify the Mexican Commission for Refugee Aid (COMAR), the responsible institution in the government of Mexico.