Keep in contact with your loved ones
Keep in contact with your loved ones. Mutual support is important. Often what they expect the most is to know is how you are doing.
Keep in contact with your loved ones. Mutual support is important. Often what they expect the most is to know is how you are doing.
The theft or loss of your phone numbers could put your life and your family members' in danger. Avoid having them written down. Memorize them.
You have the right to access free health care in case of an emergency threatening your life, regardless your migratory status. Look for the closest healthcare center in the "Protection and Assistance" section.
In case of the death of a family member or a friend of the same nationality as yours, you can contact your country’s consulate. Look it up in the “Protection and Assistance” section.
Have your identification papers been taken away from you? Report it! This is a situation faced by victims of human trafficking. In the “Emergency” section you will find numbers to call, depending on the country you are in.
Keep your travel documents up-to-date. With them, you can reduce any risks while migrating.
Always try to be in company of others. Traveling alone exposes you to more risks.
While traveling, always take your health and vaccination records. You might need them to receive health care services.
Identify periodically which are the options you have in order to achieve your goals. They are not necessarily far away.
Remember that irregular migration routes are dangerous. You could become a victim of sexual violence along your path. Seek information!