Refuge and asylum
Refuge and asylum may be granted to individuals who can prove that they have suffered persecution, for reasons of race, religion, political affiliation, nationality or sexual orientation.
Refuge and asylum may be granted to individuals who can prove that they have suffered persecution, for reasons of race, religion, political affiliation, nationality or sexual orientation.
Use the “My Route” section to communicate with your family.
Are you not being allowed to contact your loved ones? This is a condition suffered by victims of trafficking. In the “Country Information” section there are phone numbers for you to call, according to each country.
Always keep control of what you carry in your luggage. Prevent others from having access to your belongings.
Avoid accepting free transportation from strangers.
Avoid using mobile phones or landlines belonging to strangers. If you douse them, delete the number you called or dial another number to have your information removed. Remember: it could be risky if other people have your family contact numbers.
Somos Colmena has compiled some data about migrant caravans. Find more about them in our blog:
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