Submitted by mquirola on
Contact Numbers

27.243290493209, -103.5669795263

Migration Procedure
Operating Hours
Mon-Fri: 09:00 am - 3:00 pm.
Procedure Process

To obtain a visa or work permit in Mexico:  

- You must have a migratory stay condition with the right to work, each condition, permit or work visa has a different cost and requirements:


1. Processing of Temporary Resident Visa or Visitor's Visa with Permission to perform remunerated activities, requested to the INM due to a Job Offer

All nationalities. Free of charge.

If you are an individual or legal entity legally established in Mexico and you want to extend a job offer to a foreigner, you must apply for one of the following visas at the INM's Processing Service Offices:

- Temporary resident visa with permission to work: if you require the foreigner to stay for more than 180 days in Mexican territory.

- Visitor's visa with permission to carry out remunerated activities: if you want the foreigner's stay to be less than 180 days. Pursuant to the provisions of the corresponding immigration procedure, this must be resolved within 20 business days after receipt of your application at the Institute.                   

Requirements to submit:

1. Present in original and copy the valid official identification of the natural person or of the legal representative of the legal entity.                                                                   

2. Original of the job offer on letterhead indicating the activity to be performed by the foreigner:

  • -Integrated salary or the minimum salary to be paid.

  • -Occupation.

  • -Temporality.

  • -Place of work.

  • -Information of the Employer's Registration Certificate.

3. Copy of the Employer's Registration Certificate issued by the National Institute of Migration.

4. Legible copy of the passport or identity and travel document valid under international law and in force of the foreign person for whom the visa is requested.

You can consult the Guide of Migratory Procedures for foreigners who wish to carry out remunerated activities in Mexico and employers, here.


2. Processing of Authorization of Visa for Employment Offer: (obtaining the status of temporary resident stay or visitor with permission to perform paid activities or permission to work)

Price: $51.00 US dollars. More details here. 

This visa is applicable if you are outside of Mexico and the employer (an individual or legal entity) offers you to work in Mexico. If the job offer is for more than 180 days, the corresponding visa is the Temporary Resident visa; if the job offer is for less than 180 days, the corresponding visa is the Visitor visa with permission to perform remunerated activities.

Keep in mind: The employer will be the one who enters the visa authorization process for employment offer before any INM office in Mexico. The employer must inform you that the INM issued an official letter authorizing the consular interview to be carried out, so you must go with said official letter to any Consular Representation of Mexico to request your appointment for the corresponding interview, or through the Internet at Mexitel's web page If the consular interview is satisfactory, the immigration authority will issue the visa within 10 working days from the date of the interview.

As an applicant for a temporary resident or visitor visa with permission to perform remunerated activities in Mexico, you must comply with the following procedure:

Requirements to submit:

  1. Visa application form before the consular office, which you will find available on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SRE), as well as at the consular offices.

  2. Photocopy of the INM's authorization document. This document is valid for 30 days.

  3. Valid and valid passport or identity and travel document, accompanied by a simple legible copy.

  4. Provide the information required during the consular interview such as personal data, reason for travel and specific information required.

  5. A photograph with the face visible and without glasses, in color, passport size, with white background and front view.

  6. Payment of visa issuance fees. For the year 2023, the cost for any type of visa is $51.00 USD.


  1. - The visa application form is available on the website of the SRE, here.

  2. - The authorization letter from the INM with which you must go to any Consular Representation of Mexico to request your appointment for the corresponding interview is valid for 30 working days. 

  3. - The temporary residence visa or visitor's visa with permission to carry out remunerated activities, requested to the National Institute of Migration by Job Offer, is valid for 180 days counted from the day after the employer is notified of the consular interview. The consular interview can be carried out at the Mexican Consular Representation in your country of origin or in the country where you have a regular stay, since you must present as a requirement, in original and copy, the migratory document that accredits your legal stay in that country.



3.Procedure for TheIissuance of the Migratory Document by Exchange (procedure following the consular authorization of the visa with permission to work)

Prices: Up to one year: $5,108 mxn . Two years: $7,654 mxn . Three years: $9,693 mxn . Four years: $11,488 mxn .

Once you obtain the temporary resident visa with permission to work and travel to Mexico, upon entering the country, the immigration authority will issue you a Multiple Migratory Form (FMM) marked for exchange and valid for 30 calendar days to go to the INM's Attention to Procedures Office corresponding to your place of residence to exchange it for the temporary resident card with permission to work that certifies your regular stay in Mexican territory. 

The National Institute of Migration has 32 Representative Offices throughout the country, which have 126 Attention to Procedures Offices where you can submit your request for the issuance of a migratory document by exchange, here.

Requirements to submit:

  1. Passport or identity and travel document, in force and valid according to international law. Original and copy.

  2. Valid visa issued by the Mexican Consular Offices. Original and copy.

  3. Valid and valid FMM. Original.

  4. Basic format. Important: The filling will be done electronically and in person at the office where the procedure is resolved.

  5. Proof of payment of fees for the reception, study and, if applicable, the issuance of the migratory document according to the condition of stay that marks the visa, in accordance with the Federal Law of Fees and other applicable legal dispositions. Original and copy.

  6. Photographs will be taken by the immigration authority at the Office where the procedure is resolved, therefore, printed photographs should no longer be submitted.

You may also consult the Guide of Migratory Procedures for foreigners who wish to carry out remunerated activities in Mexico and employers, here.  

4. Procedure to obtain a Work Permit

Price: $3,835 mxn. 

This procedure is carried out when you already have an authorized status of stay in Mexico.

If you are currently living in Mexico and you have a valid migratory document that proves your regular stay as a temporary resident or temporary resident student, you have the possibility of requesting a work permit at any of the INM Representative Offices located in the country.
This procedure must be resolved within 20 working days after receipt of your application at the Institute.

Requirements to present:

  1. Valid temporary resident card or temporary resident student card (Original).

  2. Proof of payment of fees (Original).

  3. Job offer from an individual or legal entity stating:

  • - Activity to be performed.

  • - Temporary period of time required.

  • - Amount of remuneration (salary).

  • - Place of work.

  • - Data from the Employer's Registration Certificate (CIE).

In case you need to perform independent activities, you must attach a letter under oath stating the occupation to which you will dedicate yourself and the place where you will develop the activities, attaching proof of registration in the Federal Taxpayers Registry (RFC, Registro Federal de Contribuyentes). The requirements to apply for the RFC can be consulted in the following here.

If the status of stay granted by the Institute was that of "Temporary Student Residence", in addition to requirements 1, 2, and 3, you must submit a "letter of conformity" from the educational institution (University) where you are developing your academic activities, which explicitly states that it has no objection for you to perform work activities.


If you are a temporary resident student, you will only be able to obtain a work permit if you are pursuing higher education, postgraduate studies and research and the occupation you are going to develop is strictly related to the subject of your studies.

If you need to submit your application through a legal representative, you must attach the document stating the power of attorney granted and a valid official identification of the attorney-in-fact who will represent you. The National Immigration Institute may make verification visits to confirm the job offer and the existence of your employer.

The immigration authority may issue one of the following resolutions:

- Positive: You will be issued a new immigration document indicating that you have a work permit, for which you must present a basic form duly filled out, prior to the issuance of your card.

- Negative: You will receive a resolution duly founded and motivated, returning your resident card (if it is still valid) so that you can continue with your initial residence status.

You can consult the Guide of Migratory Procedures for foreigners who wish to carry out remunerated activities in Mexico and employers: here.



5. Procedure to change the Status of Temporary Resident Student to Temporary Resident, in order to be able to work in Mexico in activities not related to the Study

Prices: Study and reception of the process of change of status: $1,632 mxn. Temporary Residency. Up to one year: $5,108 mxn. Two years: $7,654 mxn. Three years: $9,693 mxn. Four years: $11,488 mxn. This procedure is done when you already have an authorized status of stay in Mexico. 

If you are currently living in Mexico and have a valid migratory document that accredits your regular stay as a temporary resident student and you wish to change to temporary resident, you can obtain a new card with a temporary status of 1, 2 or 3 years, as indicated in a job offer issued by an individual or legal entity legally established in the country and that has a valid Employer's Registration Certificate from the National Migration Institute (INM).

Requirements to present:

  1. Valid and current passport or identity and travel document with a copy.

  2. Proof of payment of fees for the reception and study of the request for change of status.

  3. Valid and valid student temporary resident card.

  4. You must comply with the assumption of obtaining a job offer and additionally submit:

a. The job offer on letterhead issued by a natural or legal person formally established in the national territory, stating:

  • - Occupation to which you will dedicate yourself.

  • - Required period of employment.

  • - Salary.

  • - Place of work.

  • - Information from the Employer Registration Certificate (CIE) issued by the National Immigration Institute.

For further information, please consult the Migratory Procedures Microsite of the National Institute of Migration at the following link.

You can consult the Guide of Migratory Procedures for foreigners who wish to carry out remunerated activities in Mexico and employers, here.

6. Procedure to Change Status of Stay from Visitor for Humanitarian Reasons to Temporary Resident due to Job Offer

Study and reception of the procedure for change of status: $1,632 mxn. Temporary Residency up to one year: $5,108 mxn. Two years: $7,654 mxn. Three years: $9,693 mxn. Four years: $11,488 mxn. Not applicable since this procedure is done when you already have an authorized status of stay in Mexico. 

If you are currently living in Mexico and have a valid migratory document that accredits your regular stay as a Visitor for Humanitarian Reasons and you wish to change to Temporary Resident due to a job offer, you may obtain a new card with a temporary period of 1, 2 or 3 years, as indicated in a job offer issued by an individual or legal entity legally established in the country and that has a valid Employer's Registration Certificate from the National Immigration Institute (INM).

Requirements to present:

  1. Valid and current passport or identity and travel document with a copy.

  2. Valid and valid FMM or Humanitarian Visitor's Card.

  3. Proof of payment of fees for the receipt and study of the request for change of status.

  4. You must comply with the assumption of obtaining a job offer and additionally present:

a. The job offer on letterhead issued by a natural or legal person formally established in the national territory, indicating:


  • - Occupation to which you will dedicate yourself.

  • - Temporality required.

  • - Salary.

  • - Place of work.

  • - Information of the Employer Registration Certificate (CIE) issued by the National Immigration Institute.

It is important to consider that the process must be initiated prior to the expiration date of the card, since in case your document is expired you will not be able to carry out this process.

The company or individual that extends you the job offer must have a valid and current Employer's Registration Certificate (CIE) before the National Immigration Institute (Instituto Nacional de Migración).

For the process of Change of Status it is necessary to make two payments. One for the study and reception of the process and the other for the issuance of the resident card, in case of a positive response to your application.

For further information, please consult the Migratory Procedures Microsite of the National Institute of Migration at the following address here.



Each of the conditions of stay has its own particularities and should be consulted at the nearest INM delegation or at the respective consulate or embassy.


2. CURP is required for everyone

The Unique Population Registry Code (CURP) is a document issued by the National Population Registry (Registro Nacional de Población) necessary to carry out procedures before the Public Administration agencies, or to be able to be a beneficiary of government programs.

In case the foreigner has a temporary or permanent permit, he/she can process his/her CURP online for free.

The Refugee Status Applicant's Certificate (Constancia de Trámite como Solicitante de la Condicion de Refugiado) allows for the processing of the CURP and can be requested from the authority that is handling the refugee procedure (COMAR or INM).

3. Obtain your Federal Taxpayers Registry (Registro Federal de Contribuyentes)

If you have the CURP you can apply for the Federal Taxpayers Registry (RFC), before the Tax Administration Service (SAT), in order to pay taxes to this organization. This document is required to receive labor income.

4. Any procedure to be notified before the National Institute of Migration (INM)

  1. - Temporary residents, temporary resident students or permanent residents must notify the National Immigration Institute (INM), the change of marital status, name, nationality, domicile or place of work, within ninety calendar days after the change occurs.

  2. - A letter signed by the foreigner must be presented, in which, under oath, he/she declares the change of marital status, name, nationality, new domicile or place of work, expressly indicating the previous and the new status or corresponding information. In case of dual nationality, he/she must indicate it and the one to be considered for his/her registration and stay in the national territory.

  3. - In the case of change of marital status, the applicant must present a marriage certificate, divorce decree with the date on which it became enforceable or death certificate of the spouse.

  4. - In the case of change of nationality, a passport of the new nationality, certificate of nationality or letter of naturalization must be presented.


  • - In the case of a change of name, the applicant must present a passport or identity and travel document with the new name and, if applicable, a document issued by the competent authority of his/her country stating the change of name.

5. Change of employment

If the person has a temporary residence with permission to work, the company in which he/she works at the time of renewal must have a Certificate of employer of foreigners to be able to renew the permit. It is important to consider this if you change jobs. More details here.


6. Support Programs

The General Directorate of Job Training Centers (DGCFT), an area attached to the Ministry of Public Education (SEP), offers job training programs, such as:

Training for and on the job, which is provided in the Industrial Work Training Centers (CECATI).
Coordination of the decentralized Institutes of Training for Work (ICAT) on which the Training Units and Mobile Actions depend.
Any procedure that has to do with visas or work permits can be done digitally, by phone or through the official website of the Mexican government.

More Information here.


Visa Type

National Migration Institute of México

Country of Destination

Av Morelos 420, Primero de Cobián Centro, 27000 Torreón, Coah., México.