Submitted by ybracho on
Contact Numbers

18.53057821, -72.288955018035

Migration Procedure
Procedure Process

Vaccination and health: not required.

You need a restricted visa.

The validity of the visa is for one entry only.

The term to enter Costa Rica once the visa is authorized will be up to 70 days from the date stamped in the passport.

Maximum stay up to 30 days, extendable up to 90 calendar days.

Documentation to present:

  1. Mandatory passport validity of 180 calendar days (six months).

  2. Ticket of continuity of trip or return to the country of origin.

  3. Demonstration of economic solvency, which corresponds to $100.00 (one hundred American dollars) for each month or fraction of legal month in the country.

  4. Not to have impediment of entrance to the country.

Visa Application Process: 

1. Application addressed to the Restricted Visa Commission, signed by the interested person, his relative residing in Costa Rica or his representative, indicating his qualities and his relationship of kinship with the requested person, containing the following data of the foreign person seeking the visa:

  • Full name and surname, nationality, profession or trade,  specify the reason or basis for the visit, estimated time of stay in Costa Rica, exact address intended in Costa Rica and telephone, approximate date of arrival and departure, indicate what is the relationship of kinship with the requested foreign person, fax to notify response to the visa application, date, signature (the application must be signed by the person requesting it in front of a competent public official or, failing that,  authenticate the application by a notary public, providing the corresponding stamps -125 colones in fiscal stamps and 250 colones in stamps of the Bar Association-).

  • In addition, you must indicate the CR consulate to which the visa authorization should be addressed, in case it is approved.

  • In case there is no consulate in the country where the foreign person is, indicate that the immigration post where you intend to enter is notified.

  • When the foreign person resides in a country where there is no Costa Rican consulate, the communication may be made to the Costa Rican consulate closest to the country where he is, or to the person who managed the residence in favor of the foreign person whose entry is sought.

  • In the latter case, it will be up to the person receiving the communication, to send the authorization to the interested person, who must carry a copy of the message upon entry, as well as coordinate with the means of transport in order to be allowed to travel. 

2. Passport or travel document, valid with an expiration date of not less than six months. In addition, a copy of the totality of this, legalized, consularized and duly translated into Spanish. 

3. Copy of the identity document of the person requesting the foreign person, which must be confronted in front of an official, or failing that, an authenticated copy of said document. 4. Proof of economic means for their subsistence during their stay in the country. 

5. Certification of criminal record of the country of origin of the requested person, stating that he has not been convicted in his country of origin or in which he has resided for the last three years, for the crimes referred to in article 61 of Law 8764, duly consularized, legalized and translated into Spanish.

6. Certification issued by the competent authority of the country of origin of the requested person, demonstrating the link between the applicant and the requested person. 

7. Certificate of singleness issued by the country of origin, legalized, consularized and translated if applicable. 

Important Notes: The foreign person located within the Fourth Group who intended to enter the country as a non-resident in Costa Rica, must obligatorily present, through a duly accredited proxy for the purposes, the requirements described in this sheet.

The people who can apply for this visa are:

  1. Family Reunification (Minor or older children with disabilities, younger and older siblings with disabilities (guardianship, curatorship, guardianship and upbringing, spouse, parents) or Tourism and / or Resident Person (minor children, minor siblings (guardianship, curatorship, guardianship and upbringing).

  2. Once all the requirements have been met, the Consul has 30 calendar days to resolve the visa application. Once all the requirements have been completed, the Consul will indicate to the interested person, date and time in which he will be informed of the resolution.

  3. If he or the Consul has any doubts about the documents submitted, he may request clarification, he may also request a personal interview with the person concerned. 

  4. The visa must be used within sixty days, from the respective notification to the applicant or his representative, and is valid for entry into the country only once.

  5. Each consulate individually establishes its schedules and procedures; according to the staff it has; therefore, you should inform the Costa Rican consular authorities about these issues. Remember that all services offered by the General Directorate of Migration and Aliens are free only the taxes established by law must be canceled.

Go only to duly identified personnel to inquire about requirements, appointments and service quotas.


More details, here

More infomation, here.


Visa Type
Consulado Honorario de Costa Rica en República de Haití
Country of Destination
Country of Nationality
Angle route de delmas et delmas 83 port-au-prince, haiti.